Moinho operates and delivers four types of Natural Slate from the interior of Brazil, quarried in the state of Minas Gerais. For more than 22 years we innovated in all our slate products to make our stone a great choice for architects, builders and home-owners.
Our product is high quality calibrated Slate: a stone formed in the Precambrian, known for its high resistance and low water absorption.
Our logistic structure and well-trained container stuffing team in Brazilian biggest harbour of Santos make sure that our products will find their way fast and reliable to the Ports of Destination worldwide.
In summary:
Whether for sills, flooring tiles, roofing, terraces, cladding, or other products, please count on Moinho. It is our Slate that will give your company a competitive edge to have the best product, delivered fast and sharply priced.


Respecting our Natural resources, we quarry our slate from the Minas Gerais region from the Precambrian layers.

In Santos, biggest harbour of South America, we have our head office to better serve our worldwide clients with shortest delivery times and optimized packing and container logistics.

The roots of our company were formed generations ago in the vast inlands of Brazil, where the rich soil formed the basis of a conglomerate of agribusiness and industry.

In the 1980’s huge reserves of Natural Stone were discovered and mining of these resources started. Moinho is the main office and exporting company of these industrialized stone products.


Sustainability of Natural Resources
While recognizing that natural resources are limited, Moinho ensures that all wood used for packing is from reforestation. These Pinus elliottii forests are planted next to the quarries. Each tree will be harvested in 7 years and replanted.
We also ensure recycling and proper water treatment. All industrial waste is disposed properly. One hundred percent of the water is treated and after filtration we reuse the same water for some of the industrial processes.
Though our quarries are more than 1000km away from the Amazon rainforest we try to make the ecological impact almost zero. After quarrying, the mines are properly closed, and the surrounding nature embraces the rocky soil to be a completely natural area again.
We continue to cooperate with the appropriate environmental agencies to continue protecting the forest and wildlife of the region. These agencies and institutes include IBAMA and DNPM.