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Nearby the bigger  metropolis and international Airport of Schiphol, a new project with an ecological house was built. The region is close to the beautiful coastline and beaches. The plots are surrounded by grassland and small lakes. The project consists  of 17 detached homes, all of them with a generous 250+ m2 inner space.


The Moinho Multicolour roofing slate tiles

To meet with the latest standards of ecological building and low energy consumption, all measures for insulation and natural materials were followed. Solar panels are integrated in the flat part on top of the roof. As a cladding for these houses the architect has chosen the Moinho Multicolour. This sometimes windy area close to the sea needs a durable cladding of the sides and the roof.

Size of the slates for this project are 500 x 250 and 400 x 250 mm. The building company was ‘Smits bouwbedrijf’. The Moinho Multicolour roofing slate tiles will be protecting the house against the elements for a lifetime. The colours of the minerals in the slate will flourish a bit more over the years, its yellow and brown tones give it a natural appearance.


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